Immortality and the Tree of Life
The tree of life can provide immortality, but is it with God or without?
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The tree of life can provide immortality, but is it with God or without?
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Date Setting and It may happen more than you think! This past September 23, 2017, was one of those date setting times. Though most if not all said that they were not setting dates they did it in a covert way. Over my lifetime I know of five major date setting events of the rapture
What you might not know about the folly of date setting. Read More »
A Biblical Look at Capitalism & Socialism I believe people can get caught up in terminology and ideology that leads to a total misunderstanding of what is going on. I believe this to be true with the words capitalism and socialism. Most Christians I know associate capitalism as the biblical way and socialism as evil.
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Is your church a soul-winning church? I was attending Greater Portland Baptist church and heard Pastor Rick Adams make a statement that was an eyeopener to me. I may have his terms backward, but I have the definitions correct. He said an evangelistic church is one that the services are centered around reaching souls. While
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My thoughts on Christian Music For thirty plus years I have been living the conservative Christian life and trying to understand Christian music. I am a Bible college graduate and a fundamentalist. I was also very involved in Rock n’ Roll during the 1970s. When I got saved in 1983 I decided to give up
Biblical Guide To Christian Music Read More »
Why Christianity is falling By all accounts, Christianity is experiencing a downturn in the nations it has dominated. I say the reason for this is Christians in these places have become carnal. They have become carnal because they consume carnal entertainment. Is it reasonable to expect Christians not to desire entertainment? Here in lies the
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The Holy Bible I believe holiness is not understood in this generation, and it is causing a lack of power in Christianity. Holiness is simply the act of setting something aside for a purpose. God tells us to be holy (1 Peter 1:16). God does not tell us to be omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent because
The Church of Jesus Christ must give hope to a lost world. …having no hope, and without God in the world: Ephesian 2:12 There are possibly three positions to take on God. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so let me start by showing you this photo. This Pulitzer Prize
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How the truth is lost in the sea of rebellion. Sometimes, truth gets lost in our world of voices and opinions. Truth does exist despite the effort to subdue it. If you were on trial for a crime you did not do, you would desperately want the truth to be known. The difference between
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